BBA in Aviation Management

BBA in Aviation Management

Additional Certification
  • Ground Handling & Airport Securities
Course Duration
  • 36 Months
  • 6 Semester
  • 4320 Learning Hours
  • 10 + 2 Pass / Appeared
  • Gauhati University Full time Regular Program Approved by Government of Assam
Mode of Delivery
  • Full-time, credit-hour system and semester-based.
Course Description

The BBA Aviation Management is a three-year Gradute Programe designed in line with international standards. The Programe aims to provide high quality business education with a focus on aviation industry. The curriculum is carefully designed to integrate core business courses with specialized major courses that focus on topics related to airline and airport management. Aviation management is related to creating value and efficiency in operation and administration of different aviation products and services. A BBA in Aviation Management brings a broad overview of business theories with an in-depth study of the airline and Aerospace industries.

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