PGP in Advance Studies in Aviation Management

PGP in Advance Studies in Aviation Management

Course Duration
  • 12 Months + 3 Months OJT / (2304) Hours
  • Graduate
  • LEVEL –7 NSQF NSDC Qualification Under Sector Skill Council Aviation & Aerospace 5 Star SMART Rated

The candidates who have done graduation in Math/ Physics/ Commerce/ Statistics/ Economics/ CA/ ICWA / CMA / CPA such as BA / (Economics)/ BBA/ B.Com/ B.C.A./ B.B.M./ B.E./ B.Tech/ B.Sc. (PCM) are preferred to get enrolled in this course.

He/she should have the required score in CAT/XAT/MAT/NMAT/CMAT/GMAT or any other entrance test accepted by the college.

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