Professional Diploma in Fire Prevention & Protection

Professional Diploma in Fire Prevention & Protection

Additional Certification
  • Ground Handling & Airport Securities
Course Duration
  • 12 Months
  • 10 + 2
  • Level - 4 NSDC – SSC Construction Technology, SSC Aerospace & Aviation, Under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, GOI
Course Description

This one year diploma Course meets the specific work force requirements of companies in terms of Skilled hands, involved in the Maintenance and Installation of the Fixed Fire Systems as demanded by the State Fire Departments. This is a practical and workshop oriented course, specifically designed such as to enhance the understanding and operational knowledge of a student in regard to fire and safety equipment systems, their Installation and regular Maintenance.

  • 12th Science, with 50 % marks from a recognised board
  • Minimum 18 Years of age
  • Medically fit

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